Monday, December 11, 2006


in between the reason
lies the answer and the pain,
somewhat like the sun
eating the rain.

there is no right
only the constant fight
and continued plight
of the earth;
and the bare births
that spurt us forward into time
screeching until we halt__.....

but the movement continues
as it always does
and it always was

how else do you create something
from nothing,
but with vision and with lies

strirred beginnings are a stew
of emptiness spun into intertwined

who cares who did it, or what
was the reason;
all I smile at: is the time it actually occurred:
how there was at a point
with no human mind to contemplate the empty space.
space just was:
beyond thought and beyond sensation;
does not this mean it was nothing, if something is
not there to perceive it? ha

this is our prejudice that we place upon
Reality allows us to perceive things.
Not the other way around.



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