Sunday, September 24, 2006

O.k, so its confusing...

Its funny how God enters my mind all the time even though i don't practice any particular religion. I don't think its a sign that maybe I should find a religion and start practicing, its rather the opposite: the thought of worshipping a God somehow makes me feel ill, and somehow I think people have got it all wrong...

For sake of argument and exploration, let us assume that a God of some sort does exist.

That I should be created in such a manner that I must through some process of realization or awakening come to know my creator, as though this were a pleasing process for it, makes me vividly angry. Why create aware and conscious beings that lack knowledge of their creator? Is this supposed to be a pleasing process for both it and I? Either this God is treating us like some grand experiment, wishing to see what it is like for its created beings who are unaware of how they came into being, struggle to come to know themselves, or there is something there is some other important facet that I have completely missed.
Some would have me believe that being born with true knowledge of God would ruin what it means to be human, and therefore destroy the important process of coming to know by one's own means, one's place in the universe. I beg to differ, and argue that God, if it exist, should fix the mistake and reinstate this knowledge, so we can all start cooperating and fixing this damn place.

But, maybe they are right, perhaps if Everyone finally all knew the same God, human existence would drastically change.......


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